
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Seven Oils that are cure for Your Body and Mind!

Ubqari Magazine - November 2020


To get rid of Dryness: Mix yogurt and mustard oil and do massage in the hair, the dryness is removed from its roots.

(Bazgha Murad, Hyderabad)


As we know that the correct choice of suitable quantity of oil and lubricant plays vital role in decreasing the effects of age on your body. Good fat provides a feeling of body’s health. The importance of good fat or essential fat is known by studying about it and that how much it is important for our mental and physical system and how it protects us from different diseases. If person identify the good fat and harmful fat, the life can pass away from diseases. Here, we are making seven oils that are healthy and beneficial.


Mustard Oil:

 According to a research published in American journal of Clinical Nutrition the addition of mustard oil in foods is beneficial for heart’s health. The mono saturated fatty acids present in the oil decrease the level of harmful cholesterol in the body. Whereas they stabilize the level of fat in the blood and help it to circulate. Mustard oil has the qualities to keep away the bacteria, fungal and viruses. Its use on the body or in the food resists against the seasonal infection and digestive infection. Mustard oil is filled with vitamin E which is best for the skin. Applying it on the skin reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It works like sunscreen. Whereas to apply to much oil on the body can be harmful and can cause itching. And the people who have oily and sensitive skin avoid its massage. By mixing the equal quantity of mustard and coconut oil and its massage improves the skin tone.



Linseed Oil:

This oil also consists of ingredients of Omega 3 fatty acids. And by using it in suitable quantity the function of the arteries of the heart is also improved. Except this, it helps to prevent bowel (intestinal) cancer. A prescription of linseed oil was published in Ubqari; many people’s heart arteries were opened. Allah Who Cures: Add ten drops of linseed oil in lassi (yogurt based drink) and drink it. You can add drops in the fresh milk (not hot) too. Following are its benefits: It is effective for chronic and incurable joint pain, muscle strain, backache, mental and nervous debility, impotence, paralysis and weakness of any body part. Use it with trust for few months.


Borage (a kind of plant) Oil:

There is huge quantity of linolenic acid in oil of borage seeds. It is helpful in swelling. Its use in axima, arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis etc. is very useful. It is better to take it in shape of supplement.


Pumpkin Seed Oil:

It is very beneficial for both men and women. According to research it is especially important for glandular health because zinc is present in huge quantity in it. It helps the women in their menopause days. It reduces blood pressure, headache, tension, depression and other menopausal symptoms.


Coconut Oil:

We can give a title to it that it is “Super Food”, and the one who uses it the most is the healthiest. It is best for those who want to maintain their weight. The fatty acid present in coconut oil speeds up the digestive system. Comparative to other fats, it increases the energy of the people. It corrects the nervous system and it is especially effective for skin problems. It helps to heal the wound marks.


Omega-3 Fish Oil:

It is the best fat among all the fats. It is obtained from fish. A huge quantity of omega-3 fatty acid is present in it. It has been proved from all the researches that it is best for the health of heart and mind. It also stimulates the nervous system.


Olive Oil:

As we all know about olive oil that it is the best food, the most healthy and powerful. A good fat is present in it. It is an important part of Mediterranean diet. It reduces the danger of diseases. It improves the performance of heart arteries and also reduces the risk of heart disease. It speeds up the blood flow and it is effective for nervous system. Olive oil is most curable and beneficial for stomach or abdomen diseases. It heats up the body, it relieves constipation and excretes out the stone by breaking it. It increases the hunger. It excretes out the bile stone. By taking small quantity of olive oil in milk, a person can gradually get rid of ulcer and ends the stomach acidity. If harmful substances have been produced in the body or a person eats something poisonous, this oil will be very effective antidote. The people who take olive oil in their food stay away from bowel and stomach cancer. The treatment of tuberculosis can be done through olive oil. For this, the patient must drink three ounces of olive oil directly or can add into the milk. Take it for at least two months. It is used for asthma disease. For this the patient should take the equal quantity of olive oil and honey by adding them in hot water. The asthma ends if it is used continuously. It is effective for cold, flu and cough.


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